viernes, 16 de junio de 2017

the economic geography!! :)

I like geography in all areas, this career is complete because I can study the environment, the society, the history, the cities and I can travel around the world... I see all!! but, with a  diferent perspective, the spatial perpective.
But I like also other disciplines, as they are the economy, the history, the politics, the art... I really love studies, focused to the society, because my favorite subjet is the economic geography, even more than geopolitic, because the economic geography gives a critical vision about how does influence the neoliberalism and the globalization in the societies, in specially those that are exploited for  other, for the asimetric relations of power.

Well, you now ask yourself : why is funny?, simple, always I said that I like hater, but with arguments!... in special the current society. For example in the class, I study how the companies nationals and transnationals installed in a places, change the relations between the people and the environment with de neoliberal politics, other example are the economic models as the Von Thunen, the Cristaller theory (the central spaces), the territory, etc. but the best theme in the economic geography for me, is the clusters v/s enclaves, for this theme I need study all of the place, because this concepts are similars, but one generate a negative efect (enclaves), instead the other, promote a new economy, favoring all habitants.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Kat
    I consider that Economic Geography is a subject where I apply and to get enough result.

