viernes, 2 de junio de 2017


The photoghraps reflect the especific moment of a time and place, for this reason are subjetives, irreverents, romantics, uniques and eternals. Now, mi favorite picture in this moment portray the places in the citiy, forests, mountain, the social dynamics, culture...and the ridiculous situations, for example the "memes". 

But, now I will write about of a personal photography. This picture was captured in Valparaíso city in May for me during a visit for academic motives in the subjet of the Cultural Geography.

I like this picture because it was captured by me, in this photography, it can be seen as the process of gentrification and the economic interests destroy the city through of the vertical construction with the edifications in alture that do not respect the cultural arquitecture, the traditions and the social relations in the places, altering the landscape.

But, equally I see as the  people from Valparaíso, fight to keep it´s essence, for example painting murals, keeping the colors of their houses and the Bohemia.

I remenber  that a person  told me " Valparaíso is not beautiful , but is romantic" and I think, that person was right.

4 comentarios:

  1. i think the seam that this sentence, its a beautiful photo and represent everything that is going on just now.

  2. Your picture is beautiful, I really like Valparaíso :)

  3. Hi Kat
    I remember that day, we lived a lot emotions, but Valparaíso is destroyed each day for those buildings.

  4. My last workshop work is in valparaiso, so I have researched it enough and see how the construction companies destroy valpaiso is something really sad
