jueves, 6 de julio de 2017

POST 2: My options

When I was a girl, was don`t have a clear option... because I don’t like study, but, I like to learn. I dreamed with architecture, anthropology, chemistry, engineer in chemistry, teacher of history, many options...never geography.
When I left of high school I was don`t know what to do, for this reason, mi first career was a failure and I gave up my career in the last year.
For to choose my second career I  was investigate different alternatives en careers and the universities because I was prefer anthropology...because the anthropology was my first option, but the PSU was insufficient, for this reason, I  enter to study geography... and this career was the best decision of my life!

Now my experience in geography is fantastic I like my career and I don't would change for nothing  the world.

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