viernes, 7 de julio de 2017


In my experience with the blogs, I must say that was interesting, because I never used this platform, usually wrote in paper and the time  not  was limited. Nevertheless, I like because is entertaining. in a first moment I was think that not would able...but I can do it!... is fantastic because I feel that my redaction level rise in a short time and my vocabulary grow.

Nevertheless I feel that the limit time is a problem in the Architecture And Urbanism  Faculty, because the careers in this place demand a long time and I not time for written in the requested moment... this situation is a transversal problem for all students. I would prefer that the limit time for write no outside a requirement, because, for example I would write about more themes, during the week, I don`t like write in class I feel nervious and limited in my abilities.

For the other side,  I think that my redaction is better  than my way of talking, and the situation it saddens me :(  because I would like speak fluidly.

I would prefer that the limit time for write no outside a requirement, because, for example I would write about more themes, during the week.

1 comentario:

  1. It is great to have had this space to write and increase our knowledge! =)
